Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog Award!

Wow! My first Blog Award!  Thank you so much to Emma over at Little Gothic Horrors  - a really lovely Blog-Friend and mood-boosting person.  When I happened on Emma's blog I was totally charmed and felt so at home!!  She loves the supernatural and the spooky, as do I (of course!) and brings all sorts of creepy-wonderful to her posts such as the Addams Family (swoon), Delightfully Dark Finds and other such ghoulish emphemera.  Please do pay her blog a visit!

Liebster ("Dearest" in German) Blog Award

The Rules
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to 5 blogs with less than 200 followers.

Thanks again Emma and here are my nominees for Liebster Blog awards:

1.  Petra's Blog  -  Delightful and pretty blog of Petra Brown, illustrator.

2.  Tales from the Dryad Forest - Magical blog of Natalee May who lives the Enchanted Life in Cornwall.

3.  A Pretty Book  The most  delightful blog for all book-lovers.  JT's pictures and posts will have you enthralled.

4.  Art of Virginia Lee The wonderful artist Virginia Lee's blog. Ethereal art.

5.  Dream and Vision The truly dreamy blog of artist Susan Sorrell Hill.

Please do visit these lovely bloggers!  ~Siobhan xox


Annie said...

Congrats on your award! Fantastic blog! Insta-follower! =D

Little Gothic Horrors said...

My absolute pleasure, Siobhan! You and your lovely blog deserve an abundance of accolades! I'm looking forward to checking out all of your Liebster picks.

Anonymous said...

Your Blog Award is well deserved, my dear...for your blog posts are a refreshing breath of country air, culinary delights and all the delicious and beautiful details of life! And thank you so much for passing it on to *me!* :-) Best wishes, Susan Sorrell Hill

Admin said...

Found your blog on the awardee list. Followed!

Ruthie Redden said...

Siobhan you have listed some delicious blogs there. I love the post below about your de-cluttering to, that's something i try every so often, somehow it never lasts though x

Puffin said...

Siobhan! Thank you for nominating my blog... you absolute darling! Congratulations on your blog award! Great blog, you have a new follower:o)

The Wild Fairy said...

Petra, you're so very welcome! Your blog(s) are so charming, how could I notinclude you? Very delighted to have a new follower!